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Doctor of Science (Dr.Sc.)

Candidates in the Science and Technology study area qualify for the POSTDOCTORAL Doctor of Science degree of Universidad Azteca.

This jure dignitatis degree is one awarded to someone who has demonstrated eminence and scholarship by being appointed to a particular office, or achievement in a particular professional field. This typically involves the submission of a portfolio of peer-refereed research, usually undertaken over a number of years, which has made a substantial contribution to the academic field in question.


TYPE: Universidad Azteca internal award, university own programme acc. Art. 59 General Law of Education.

LEVEL: Third cycle, level 8 MMC university own award. Post-doctoral studies.



AWARDING UNIVERSITY: Universidad Azteca, Chalco, Mexico.

UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT IN EUROPE: Universidad Azteca European Programmes.

TARGET GROUP: Doctoral graduates interested in post-doctoral study in one of the disciplines offered by Universidad Azteca pursuing the completion of the doctoral programme by thesis / doctorate examination.

SPECIALISATION: Universidad Azteca studies at level 8 MMC (EQF)

Know more about the Doctor of the University

DISCIPLINES: Disciplines offered by Universidad Azteca in Science and Technology areas.

STUDY LANGUAGE: English, German, Spanish

ADMISSION REQUIREMENT: Doctor or equivalent degree and postgraduate coursework or qualifications for credit transfer to the programme or research experience.

Modality and Course Team

MODALITY: e-learning and distance education modality.

COURSE TEAM: Prof. Dr. Gerhard Berchtold, Prof. Dr. Friedrich Luhan, Prof. Dr. Ricardo Saavedra Hidalgo, Prof. Dr. Felipe Fernández Rivadulla, Prof. Dr. Endler.

Study Plan

Transfer credits – Elective coursesTest modeECTS
Transfer from MPhil doctoral programme/ level 8 EQFCredits Transfer60
Mandatory Science Module Test modeECTS
Research Project / Post doctoral research & developmentPresentation18
Thesis / Rigorosum Examination Test modeECTS
Thesis or examination in the discipline specialisationThesis presentation and defense or examination42
ECTSDefence / Rigorosum120

Qualification: Level 8 of Mexican Qualifications Framework MMC

Mexican Qualifications Framework

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